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Date: 21 March 2008
Boat: Ah Chong

I had a bad trip on 18 March so i was determined to make up for the bad catch that day. Today i asked Ah Chong where we were going to fish. He say we are going Tie Pai to catch Chermin. I doubt whether have Chermin there but anyway just go lah might never know. He said yesterday 4 Chermin landed there so okay lah better trush Ah Chong he always kelong one.

Reached spot after SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG and started dropping lines. A few small fishes were landed. Ang Kuey and Kaci was landed too. After that Ah Chong did the most kelong thing today! His leader line wrapped around a Grouper neck and the hook embedded itself onto the Groupers head! The grouper came up with no horse run @ almost 1kg size.

After that Ah Chong was saying how my ang kuey and small fishes cant beat his one catch. I almost came close to winning back my bragging rights a moment later. Ah Chong told us to up line but i had just put down my line. So i stop and reel in when sangoat! Eh? Cannot be lah... By then Ah Chong boat already moving... But suddenly my line cut throught the water. I thought maybe sangoat Ah Chong propellor but a moment later my line cut in FRONT OF ME! Cannot be lah! CHUT SUAH!!!! Ask Ah Chong stop boat and indeed it was a fish. By then, the fish already half dead due to Ah Chong boat power but it still gave me some fight on light tackle! A nice close to 1kg Chermin was landed by me!


BUT STILL CANT BEAT AH CHONG KELONG MASTER! By now, Necro was pulling in leng chiam by the lots due to his dead prawn stinky bait. Suddenly, Weiyee's rod bent like it wanted to escape! His PE3 rod and Freams Kix Chut suah and he fought a battle with surely a Chermin! He reeled in and fought cooly... Once the fish hit the surface, its a big Chermin but suddenly the hook came off and everyone was shocked! OMG! Weiyee was more suaned... Whole day we suan him lost first fish somemore Chermin..bahahaha...

Bubu Master- Necro at one of the KBL Spots, pulling in a bubu.

The funny thing was that somehow, Sim's dad managed to bring up a discarded bubu! We cannot find where the bubu ropes lead to and inside were some fish. We decided to take the fish and throw the bubu back. Looks like we have some Leather Jacket for supper!


The day proceeded with us drifting here and there... And finally coming to our last spot... After morning, the action seems to die down. But then when the current died down and we can fish properly, Necro landed a nice 1.2kg Jio Lor with dead prawn. Sim also landed a small Chermin with dead prawn! The wonders of Prawn Meat...


The Total Catch


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