Getting the kakis onboard a fishing trip that revolves around pure light jigging and casting was always going to be a far stretch. Getting good fish around our local and nearby waters takes a good amount of skill and luck. Weather conditions usually compound that problem further. So it was not without trepidation and skepticism that I put together this bait-less Pulau Sibu fishing trip. I was also mindful that my last trip there was two years ago so things may have changed dramatically. To make things worse, I loosely and blatantly promised Boon that he would be able to get his coral trout (ang gao) on jig during this trip. No matter though. With opposition political parties in Singapore promising the moon during every election, I figured that it was quite safe to do so since we can always blame luck in fishing. Very convenient. So I blamed luck as much as I could before, during and after this trip. The common keywords were "Wind", "Choppy", "Fish not eatin...