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A Luring Journey: In The Arms of Mother Nature

In The Arms of Mother Nature Part I

Weapons Of Choice

Rod: Shimano Exage 8ft 5pc Travel rod
Reel: Shimano Navi 3000 with 16lb Lemax Line
Leader: No Leader
Swivel: No Swivel
Lure: River2Sea Mid Dive Charteause Blue

It was already first light! Me and my kaki hurried to our pristine water hole to see what Mother Nature had in store for us today!

We casted our lures and attempted to entice a fish into attacking. After my 4th cast, BAM! Something took my lure from a few metres out and dashed out! My reel sang a fine tune and the battle was on! The fish was no match for me and soon it was brought to the side to be lip gripped with the Boga grip. It was a handsome Haruan A.K.A Snakehead fish. From estimate it was at least a 3pounder.

However, the stubborn fish refused to be lip gripped and clamped its mouth shut. With a huge burst of pace the fish managed to dive back into the water and got snagged in some underwater weeds. With a few wriggles the fish escaped!

Not minding the loss of phototaking, me and my kaki casted with renewed vigour and soon my kaki was rewarded by a 2 pounder toman. It made short darting runs and gave a good account of itself but it was soon subdued.
The Greedy Toman

After we had taken a photo, it was released unharmed into the water to fight another day. We casted out again and i was rewarded with acrobatic jumps and head shakes. This time a Peacock Bass was on the line. It was landed with relative ease and weighed in a 2 Pounds. It was also released unharmed after photo taking.
The humble peacock bass

Big one spotted yelled my kaki... We spotted a big ripple in front of us and my kaki casted towards it. I soon followed suit. Immediately after cranking, a huge splash erupted and my kaki's rod was bending into a U shape. The monster then managed to get free by leaping out of the water and the lure flew out!

As I was busy watching the scene, i wasn't reeling in my lure. I started reeling in and a few seconds later, the monster grabbed my lure again! A huge splash was seen and this time it was fight on! After a mini tug of war, the fish was tiring and was coming closer...

Alas! My lure's hook were bent and the fish dislodged itself! My prized possession swam away... A huge smirk on its face!

At 10am we spotted mother nature's guardians coming to ensure peace prevails in this sacred grounds and we decided we had enough for the day in the Arms Of Mother Nature...

Tomorrow me, Banzai and Vin return to find out what mother nature has in store for us. Let's hope we can share a Catch Report with you guys!

In the arms of mother nature

In The Arms of Nature Part II

Weapons Of Choice

Rod: Shimano Exage 8ft 5pc Travel rod
Reel: Shimano Navi 3000 with 16lb Lemax Line
Leader: No Leader
Swivel: No Swivel
Lure: River2Sea Mid Dive Charteause Blue

Vin parked the car and we started our long trek into the sacred grounds. Upon reaching we sighted some subtle ripples and boils. Charged by yesterday's catch, i began to cast my lures fervently. Soon i was rewarded by a cute Toman fry of about 2 pounds. It was released unharmed.
Greedy bugger

Then almost instantaneously as i released the fish, i saw Vin shouting to me. He was battling something sizeable. The fish took him for a run and i saw his 4-10lbs Berkley rod bent into a U-shape. Quickly i went to get the Prawning net that we brought( Hahahaha... use prawn net for toman).

Soon the fish was exhausted and brought to the side. It was a beauty of about 1.8kg, i estimated. I began to worry as i saw that only the back hook was caught in the toman's lips. A few struggles and the toman might just get away. I quickly used the prawning net on the toman's head.

Then my greatest fears happened. The toman struggled and caught some weeds. It wriggled away and up came the now empty Lure...

Again we casted out and waited for the fish to come. Monster boils were seen out far away but they were too far for us to reach....

Soon vin got his second toman of the morning... This time it was a fry which was about the same size as my earlier catch. After photographs, it was home sweet home for the toman.

Another greedy toman

We soon got tired and spotted Nature's guardians coming again. Satisfied, we decided to leave and come back another day. Oh by the way, I amassed a mountain of plastic bags today.

Toman fry ball!

Congrats to Vin for breaking his rod's virgin!

In The Arms of Nature Part III

Weapons Of Choice

Rod: Shimano Exage 8ft 5pc Travel rod
Reel: Shimano Navi 3000 with 16lb Lemax Line
Leader: No Leader
Swivel: No Swivel
Lure: River2Sea Mid Dive Black White dotted, White, Yellow

I sangoat 3 of my lures. I don't want to talk so much =( .

Sangoat my first two lures then the third lure was taken away from me by a crazy toman which burst my line when it took my lure =( Abrasion from driftwood cost me my lure.

What's worse was that after my line snapped, the fish jumped two times and wriggle its lure in its mouth. Obviously it's going to die unless the lure comes off its mouth. My heart broke.

It was a fairly good day with some good fish landed.

Let the pictures do the talking. I had enough of today =(

Landed on Luckycraft Sammy

Landed on the River2Sea Mid Dive

Another one on mid Dive

Another one on mid Dive

Plenty of smallies that day

In the Arms of Mother Nature Part IV

Weapons Of Choice

Rod: Penn Ultralight Graphite Series
Reel: Ofmer Axis 6 10lbs braided
Leader: No Leader
Swivel: Yozuri Snap
Lure: River2Sea Mid Dive White, Duel Side Popper Black

Feeling stressed today... Almost couldn't wake up but woke up anyway...

Today the sun was shining but the waters were muddy brown like teh tarik... Oh well... A few casts at teh tarik is better than none at all!

Splashes were seen and my mood was kept up but still nothing took my lure. Changed to my all favourite River2Sea Middive White and casted out with renewed confidence.

Casted and casted... Many splashes were seen. Something lunged at my lure but missed... But still no hookups... Decided to use the "Reel In So Fast Like nobody's business" style...

On the second cast of reeling like noones business, a greedy Peacock lunged out of the weeds and was gonna pounce on my lure. Knowing that a pause in my retrieve will spook the Peacock, I continued reeling in at high speed.

With god like speed the Peacock rammed the lure and the fight was on! My drag was singing and my rod bending a cute bend... Alas! The fight was over when the Peacock decided to stick itself onto some weeds and all I did was pull back the seaweed subdued Peacock...

Nothing much today... Saw plenty of action but nothing was interested in my lure...

Oh well... A Day Out Fishing always pacifies me....

Walked around and took some photos

Beautiful LSR legal fishing area

The LSR Jetty

Caught a super tiny one on River2Sea Humbug

In the Arms of Mother Nature Part V

After a few bad trips, gave the usual gang a call and we're off to our usual fishing hole again!

Upon reaching, the water was full of algae and there wasn't a lot of action. Began casting out a minnow but there were no takes at all. Spotted some huge splashes but totally no action... Soon i lost the minnow to a suspected underwater tree trunk.

Next up was my usual testing of the Duel Side Pop Black... Casted a few times parallel to the ground very near the shore and I was walking the dog. On the first few casts, nothing happened but soon something dark and scary took my lure down under and struggle for awhile... I immediately set hook but the hook did not set and my Duel Side Pop soon floated up.

Very soon, we were demoralised and we were soon talking about... " If you want fish to bite, better to just tock cock and pretend nothing happen..." So our conversation drifted to Ayam Penyet... Milo Dinosaur...Roti Prata when Necro got a take!

ZZZZzzzZZZt! The fight was on! Initially there was not much fight as the fish was swimming towards us but very soon it began taking out drag and it took quite awhile to land it.

Our days were made when the beauty was finally subdued! At least we nailed down one!

A good sized Toman!

In The Arms of Mother Nature Part VI

Went down to the usual hole in search of some action to cure the itch. Met up with Savagehollowist and his kaki and we were soon casting into the air...

There was not much action today and i spotted less than 3 toman rises. My hopes were not high and my thinking was that if I land a fish I will be happy already.

Throughout the session, no big fish was landed but I guess we had a total of 10 small and medium PBs or so hooked up but only a few were photographed...

Nice kok tao

One on humbug

A close up view


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