Catch report courtesy of Kiato (famous Kayak angler). _____________________________________________________________________________ Baktao Whatsapp me : " Are you interested in 29th Sept, Sure Heng, possible booking slot to take over?" Me : "OK!" I have been on Sure Heng twice, and on the first trip, i got bullied by a biggie, as we were not able to move the boat to my favour, due to the passing tankers/ship. Second trip, i had my reel de-spooled in a couple of seconds (about 140m), it was a freight train, and all i could do was hold on, jaw dropped. When taking over a booking within 1.5 weeks, and scrambling to find enough kakis, there is a certain mixture of excitement. Alas, not until the last 2 days, we were able to fill the last 1-2 slots, kudos to the kakis for looking/asking around. Group chat formed on Whatsapp, questions and answers, sometimes being asked the same questions, strengthens the believe and knowledge one has, patience/ fish com...