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Grunter Changi Fishing

15 Feb 2008- Its a G-uh-OOD Day!
Ah Chong's Boat

Received news that out of the 6 supposed to go today, only 3 could make it. I jumped on the wagon and off went 4 lone fishers with their hopes for a good day out at sea. It was a very windy day. The first half of the day went off well with many guhoods landed. It was a guhood frenzy! Seems like its their spawning season. The guhoods ranged from 500g-1kg only.

Strangely, all we landed were guhoods. No other species! No Ang Chor and only 1 or 2 pcs grouper. I waited till very long to land my first guhood and after that i was rewarded with 2 more and some gaos. The afternoon was less productive and we drifted and drifted with only small fishses nibbling. We were rewarded when it was approaching evening. 7 Ang Chos were landed in that short time and it seemed that it was good fishing! By then, i was using just a 6ft shimano basstera 8-17lbs with kix 2500 and was pretty confident of hauling up the small fish. Ah Chong said he missed one big grouper because it was not hooked properly but i just laughed it off...

But who knows, when i was keeping my other rod, a nibble came along. I took the rod and lifted it...ZZZZzzZZzzZT! Suddenly the "small fish" sent my rod into a crazy bend and line began pouring out of the kix. I counted at least 30-40m of line by using colour PE line. The reel was alread at 70% drag and i was holding on for dear life when the dread thing happened. The line came loose. Upon inspection, the rig was mauled near the hook area and frayed. The whole leader was pretty badly damaged. Even my sinker was gone! It came to me that the fish must have dived into the rocks. Estimates were made and i guess the best estimate i can make is that at least a 4kg big gao must have done this. The spot yielded a 4.5kg gao for my kaki last time so i think its a good guess.

I guess it was not meant to be mine again. Tackle too light, grouper too smart... What can i do...

After this, no more action liao and we called it quits and divided the catch. Total 20 guhoots, 7 ang chors, 4 groupies, half a dozen duri(not in pic) and half a dozen CNR small groupers that were not fit for the plate. Hope tomorrow there will be some nice specimens in my toman hunting. Sigh.

BTW those going on Feb 18, pls pray for no wind. Ah Chong promises good catch if no strong wind ah...

P.S we also caught some preview of the air show. whoosh! We were do distracted by it that we lost some fish when were not paying attention. Hahahaha...

Guhood Harvest


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