In my few years of Changi Offshores, i had only encountered the recently made famous "Giant Herring School", a few times. And to my frustration, i ALWAYS did not manage to land one. From the fish jumping off the boat and swimming away, to the usual throwing of hook and occasional bursts, i have always been disappointed. I intended to settle the score today at Changi. I was fairly confident that they would appear today as the fishes have been showing up en masse at forums. A quick check was made with Ah Chong who said more than 10 landed last week everyday, 10 landed on Sunday and 7 landed yesterday! I was determined not to let the fish get away this time. We were greeted by numerous fish scales scattered all over the boat. It didn't take a genius to guess what fish were the scales from! The Giant Herring will usually come out around late afternoon during a change of tide. The best current to fish them will be spring tides but today is already quite off the spring tide...