Date: 14 June 2007
Boatman: Ah Chong
The catch today was quite bad but of course the kakis always made up for it...
Today in the morning, Ah Chong tell me... We are going for Chermin!... It makes me very optimistic and excited. We reached Chermin Central District and very soon Ah Chong landed the first Chermin around 2kg.
Our hopes were very high but sadly, none landed after that... Lines up and we went off to next spot... Nothing much landed... some small fish here and there...
Then when its 4pm and its tui chao until finish, Ah Chong told us we are going to hunt Teck Ngor ( Giant Herring ) and Eng Ko ( Parrotfish )...
I told him Wu Ngiah Bo (Sure or not )... and he just reply me with his usual smile with ciggie in his mouth...
As always Ah Chong is always very zhun... 15minutes into the spot i caught a good size Parrot... Ho Seh Liao... Then came the music of my reel... with the arrival of a small Tek Ngor school...
ZZZT ZZZZT! A Tek Ngor Jump up! It then ran under the boat and my line stuck at Ah Chong's tyre... And there goes Piak!
After that behind also can hear reel music... One of my kaki using his 4-8lbs rod kena one Tek Ngor... Can hear the reel music and his line finishing but then line snap... Lucky line snap... Hahaha...If not he don't need fish already...
After that lower my handline down and instant goalkeeper! Fight abit but realise the hook came off...
Then my friend with the 4-8lbs rod got another hit! Another screaming reel again this time he try to "Kup" the spool but again the Tek Ngor jump up and spit hook because he cannot control it...
Immediatley, the person behind him also kena... This time it the Tek Ngor was fought properly with a good 15-30lbs set and was soon netted... Easily weighs 3kg...
The people at the back hookup another one again! But this time funny thing happen... when the line is peeling from the reel... Suddenly there is a beehoon at the spool and the line goes piak! Hahahahaha....
Overall a funny and enjoyable day... Although bad catch, we have the enjoyment of fighting the Tek Ngors...
Me with the Speed Demon...Notice my scar...
Silver Demon
Sad Total Catch
Dinner Time