The Ang Chor Invasion
Date: 7 September 2007
Boatman: Ah Chong
Today was a nice day to start with. Everyone was early and we even board the boat before Ah Chong arrived! Sunny weather, great start.... What else can we ask for? Vin even told me..." Hey TT... I never catch Ang Chor before leh..."
Within the first 10minutes of the trip, the first fish was landed... A sizeable Guhood. Smiles and hopes were everywhere and we were excited but... We drifted and drifted around HCL but to no avail. There were no bites at all. The Gaos and Hoods all long gone...
No worry though we soon proceeded to our secret spot! But alas we were soon forced to fish at another spot due to unfavourable wind and waves conditions! We went around and tried to find new secret spots and i guess the results were quite okay.
The first secret spot resulted in 3 hook ups within a few seconds of each other. I was the first "lucky" one. A strong tug and zzzZZzzzzt!! My reel sang its lonely tune... Judging from the pull and line out, this was a big big one... I immediatley pumped the fish out of the danger zone and it was now in safe hands... Or so i thought! I thought that as long as i get the fish away from the structures i was safe but no! In what i thought was a "safe" zone, the fish managed to dash across a snag and my line burst on impact! I was there left seething on what might have been and what might have not...
Immediately after my lost fish, my kaki beside me saw his rod bend too and zzzZZzt! This time the fish was brought up quickly and it was a good size Ang Chor! Then the kaki(Vinyeo) beside him also had a hookup! Up came a 1.1kg Ang Chor... Soon another kaki nearby also brought up another Ang Chor! It was then that i knew what i missed... A good sized Ang Chor...Probably at least 1.5kg...
I lowered my line down again and yes! ZzzzZZt! This time there will be no escape! I pumped the fish in quickly and it wasn't allowed to do any "tricks". Although smaller at 800g, it still meant sweet revenge for me!(Dont want let me catch u i catch ur son!)
Ang Chors were being pulled up until the frenzy died... After that it was calm sailing with no fish landed until we found another secret spot... In this secret spot we used a "hole" method of fishing... A kaki first got an Ang Chor by lowering his prawn into a "hole"(depression in the sand, rock hole) and the fish responded immediately!
It was then we were all trying to find this hole which the fish were just waiting to be led out... I found it and zzzzzZZZzt! Up came a Pek Tiam! Other fishes were similarly landed using the "hole" method...
End of the day came and we realised the catch wasn't as bad as thought. It was pretty okay considering the demise facing Changi waters now. Till another day!
Only managed to catch 2 ACKs and 1 mini table sized gao yesterday but still was a quite okay trip i guess.
Start of the day was some strong winds and it was raining! Pretty sian at this point already as the night before also rain... Wonder whether today catch will be bad
First spot saw us heading back to ACK village. I was pretty unsure about this as in the past weeks, this spot has been "Raped" by the boatmans(information passes quick around them). Being not very optimistic, i lowered down my line to find some nibbles. A few seconds later bam! The first fish of the day... A table sized ACK.
Next up was man of the match Yang who caught an Ang Kuey! Ah Chong and me were debating and wanted to bet! He said it was an Ang Chor... I said Chermin... End up Ang Kuey!
Next up it was me again who managed to con an ACK out of the waters. Yang also managed to hook onto a grouper.
Then Ah Chong said it was time to move onto Ang Ko Li Kampong... Yang hooked up a few in quick succession. During this stage i was pretty bored so i left my rod in my rod holder... The ang ko lis bite fast and furious and i missed countless of them! Easily could have caught a few if i had held my rod in my hands instead...
At around 1pm proceeded to CCD(Chermin Central District) and waited... waited... Until i drifted in and out of sleep with my MP3... Until Yang hooked up a guhood! Everyones spirits were high....BUT...
Waited and waited with my MP3 and slept at the back of the boat... Until there was alot of commotion and i woke up to find Alan's rod bending and reel screaming! Wah... During this point all of us very happy as we thought the Chermin come liao...
After a long fight.... Walao eh.. Talang! So spirits very high again...
Drifted and drifted... Walao fell asleep again until Yang rod bent and brought up a Queenie... At the same time wah Vinyeo also brought up one... So i woke up again... and hopes high until i went back to sleep...
Then Alan wake me up again with screaming reel... This time i hope its a chermin and after some time, the fish surfaced! Chermin! After this i on 24hr standby mode liao at the back of the boat but walao eh... No more fish after that Chermin...
Went out of CCD to go try Cable Car Area... and at the first spot after rope tie, landed one good sized gao... Very happy liao at this stage thought sure lo jiak but more fishes...
Next CCA also no fishes as current going wrong way our lines flow wrong way... So after that its pack up and go to just outside Ubin near Chek Jawa... Vin landed a nice ACK there...
After thats its all quiet and head home liao... Pictures below.
Vin with a nice snapper |
Double hook up |
Started with a rainy day |
Not ideal catch |
Alan Chan with a nice queenfish |
Alan Chan with a nice Chermin |