Date: Vesak Day 2006
Boatman: Ah Long Changi
Today was my first time with Ah Long. Pretty interesting boatman. I went to an interesting location to fish today and that was where Ah Long brought up the Tripletail. There was a school of the fish below and we had 5 burst offs but managed to land only 1. That 1 fish had 3 hooks in its mouth! I had 2 burst offs when the fish ran below the pillars and abrasion set into my line.
Towards the end of the day, a storm came our way and the wind was pounding... We anchored away and prayed that something would bite our lines. And it happened! In the space of around 30 minutes, it was a feeding frenzy and everyone got a fish. Even a coral trout was brought up.
If that was suprising enough, a good sized 2.7 kg chor was reeled in. Perhaps a lost fish? Such a beauty on light tackle... Its a suprised that it didnt manage to run away... Phew!
Where's that spot now? Buried below sand...
Beautiful Golden Snapper |
Great Catch! |