How to catch Peacock Bass? A trip with Mok was made and we decided to head out to a legal spot which housed a fairly good amount of Peacock Bass. The last few times we were there, they were there and took lures aggressively. However, this time we couldn't get them to bite although i missed one on my Pole rod. I was using Pole rod and sabiki just gliding the sabiki from side to side. After an unsuccessful stint, Mok N me were unsatisfied and proceeded to chill out first before going on to the next spot. I went home to get my rod and off we went. First stop was the Haruan hole that i discovered a few days back. Upon casting a few rounds, i'm convinced i really spooked the Haruans and they have escaped through the drain into the reservoir. We went over to the other side of drain and as expected, they were there basking in the naked sun. Mok got itchy and made a few casts but misses were all he got. He ALMOST got one but on bringing it out of the water, it flew back. He ALMOST go...