In my few years of Changi Offshores, i had only encountered the recently made famous "Giant Herring School", a few times. And to my frustration, i ALWAYS did not manage to land one. From the fish jumping off the boat and swimming away, to the usual throwing of hook and occasional bursts, i have always been disappointed.
I intended to settle the score today at Changi. I was fairly confident that they would appear today as the fishes have been showing up en masse at forums. A quick check was made with Ah Chong who said more than 10 landed last week everyday, 10 landed on Sunday and 7 landed yesterday! I was determined not to let the fish get away this time.
We were greeted by numerous fish scales scattered all over the boat. It didn't take a genius to guess what fish were the scales from! The Giant Herring will usually come out around late afternoon during a change of tide. The best current to fish them will be spring tides but today is already quite off the spring tide so they might come a little late as the tide change is very late.
We headed out to buy our live prawns and ice from the auntie at the fish farm before heading out to the back of Tekong for drifting.
That was where the "fun" started. The wind was howling above us and most of the time, we were fighting the wind. I managed to hook up a guhood though but that was all! Needless to say, throughout the day, the bite rate was DIRT BAD with the wind howling.
Ah Chong actually commented we were quite unfortunate as today was the day the "Bei Fong" arrives and the fish will not open their mouths... So much for picking the right date. Hahahaha...
We managed some table sized fish before heading to the herring grounds... They are namely a few 500gm groupers, my 1 guhood, 1 ack, 1 ang kuey and even 1 small Cobia. I don't think they're even worth mentioning... But just in case you're wondering. Hahaha...
Clarence lost a BIG take in the morning. His rod was bent all the way down while he was busy with his phone. The bloody fish actually took out line and made strong dashes to the back of the boat. The fish threw the hook after taking out more line... leaving everyone baffled. Threadfin? Big Grouper? Chermin?
Okay so after drifting the whole day for some smallish stuff, we headed to the herring grounds and waited.... waited... waited...
... and waited...
And finally! At around 1730 hrs the herrings were here! The herrings flew here and there while ah chong got many consecutive hookups. I finally had one hookup and after setting the hook a few times, i played with the fish... Knot checked, hook checked, drag checked... The herring made a few leaps but i survived... I was finally bringing it in when the fish gave a last burst and leapt towards me. The line was not taut for a moment and...
We got a few more hookups after that but only ONE 2kg plus Giant Herring was landed while some orders of beehoon at the back arrived.
By then... the frenzy died down and please read the above title...
I'm tempted to fill up my post with ****s but never mind...
And ya... No total catch pic... already pissed by the end of the trip. Hahahaha.
