I was due to fish with the same old friend this evening at a highly classified spot. We were to go for big pacu and kalui. While waiting for him to arrive, i explore the surrounding area and found a small water hole around the size of a basketball court. Best of all, there are no "no fishing" signs around so this place was perfectly legal.
The area was weedy and water conditions were excellent for one of my favourite fish... The Haruan! I love the haruan because of the take and the way it takes the lure. It is a much more accurate shooter than the toman and once it grab your frog/lure, it will most likely be a direct hit. I'm sure many experienced anglers will have found out this fact. Best of all, if it is chasing your lure, it will make alot of "waves" and "swirls" until it finally go "BOOOOM"... But but but the fight of the Haruan is only average compared to the Toman.
I casted out my pumpkin Scumfrog along the weedy area and wow... A take on the first cast! It was a small one and i landed it easily. After i took the hooks off, it somehow managed to escape by "crawling" on the grass fast enough that i couldn't catch it. No pictures for this one!
I changed to a mini popper later on and played the popper slowly along the weeds. The action was to create a small tail wave behind the popper. The action is quite similar to a way a Monitor Lizard swims. Keke... The Haruans went crazy over this and almost every cast was a hit... But those that were hitting are the small ones and i didn't hook up any until the bigger ones came out to play.
It was extreme fun to have many misses while the fishes chase your lure and you can see the swirls/waves they make. They were all around the area hitting my lure until it was completely dark and they couldn't see my popper anymore. I spotted an Arowana in the small hole too...
I only took picture of one as the others are small. This one is the bigger one. Total i landed 4 and had a total of more than 10 hits.
Went on to fish at the other area once my friend arrived but the fishes weren't in today... I had a miss right in front of me but i lost my Technic River Dancer to a net... sad.
Anyway, this find proves that Haruans living in a small confined area are smaller than those that live in open waters around the reservoirs. I'll be back tomorrow morning at first light to experiment again... Hooohoo~ Time to get the Scumfrog Mini Toad from Anglers Outfitters :)
Better fish until i get sick of this place before its totally gone. It's only a matter of time! I might even tapao 1 or 2 to make soup.... Yum yum.