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Angler's Pal Swivels/Technic Lures

There have been lots of smart and effective copying of the premium brands by less prestigious brands. While not all of them are sure hits, occasionally something good comes out of all this. The result being cheap and good stuff which the consumers can have access to.

I've passed by many "strange" and funny brands... So far, these are some items i would recommend.

Angler's Pal Swivel
Firstly is this type of "Rolling Swivel with Snap" Anglers Pal Swivels which i've used at Sibu Kelong and my recent freshwater bash. I use the 24lbs and 61lbs according to the type of fishing. I've not tested it at 24lbs but it would not be realistic in normal luring/general fishing to use up till 24lbs.

So far it didn't fail me yet if not i wouldn't be able to land my baktao or my Toman. If you need a general purpose swivel for luring or jigging baitfish, this will be an ideal cheap choice. Test the swivel by opening and closing it a few times before using if you want to make sure. Mass produced cheap swivels are not 100% uniform in quality in the whole batch.

I found this Swivel at Joe's Tackle or Sincere Tackle. Surprisingly, stocks are running out fast. The last time i went to Joe's, they only had 24lbs and 80lbs. Kekeke...

Technic River Dancer
Technic has been producing some cheap and good entry level stuff. It looks like they have been doing some hard work on learning from some of the major brands. On my recent trip to Sincere, i got myself the Technic River Dancer. I was attracted to it because of the EXTREMELY loud rattle it made. Every lurer will want to have a rattling vibe in his lure box but this Technic rattling lure was even louder than the Rapala Rattling. Kekeke...

I tested it today and the casting was not bad for a 16g lure. The action was good too but you need to do some tuning if it doesn't swim straight. If i'm not wrong they have a lighter version i think its 8g or 12g. They have some interesting colours including one colour which resemble a small kekek fish(purple patch on body with silvery tone). The 16g one is at $5.70 shelf price while the lighter one is at $5 shelf price.

I've yet to get any fish on this lure but the loud rattling noise will attract(or spook) many fishes... Hehe

Technic Squid Jig

I've got a few of these squid jigs at Deep Sea for only $1.70 and i've yet to land any squid on it but the action and casting is quite similar to a Yamashita Squid Jig. This is because of the very sharp head design(similar to Yamashita Egi Oh) that Technic has used on this squid jig. Colour wise is still pretty normal but they have very decent and distinct colours being Pink, Orange etc.

At Sibu, an Ah Lau was using this squid jig and he landed a few squids with it. He also got a big Baktao with it...

At $1.70, it's a steal and ideal for "suicide" missions.

Surecatch Squid Jig

This squid jig has hit our shelves quite some time back. I got some more yesterday. The price is even more affordable than the Technic Squid Jig and the design is awfully similar to the Yamashita. Colour Scheme, Body Design and Nose Shape all match the Yamashitas... Casting wise and sinking rate it's a little disappointing. But for Sibu missions, we normally attach sinkers so no problem on the sinking rate.

I'll be doing a writeup on another cheap squid jig soon... This was the jig that landed most of my squid at Sibu day or night... Hehe.

Until then, please leave some cheap and good stuff for me... Don't sapu everything.


Anonymous said…
Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson
Anonymous said…
A number of decent ideas. Effectively thought out
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