After discovering the Haruan hole yesterday, i quickly got down to business this morning. I left my house early and reached the spot before first light. First few casts resulted in a hookup but the fella dived under the weeds and threw hook. How careless of me...
As the sun came up, i was aghast at the water level. It wasn't even half a meter! In fact, its only around ankle level. The place was brimming with Haruan and a few walking catfish. I got another Haruan which wanted to taste the Daiso mini pencil.
Greedy bugger. Sight casted towards the bugger and it took the lure
But after i released it, guess what?
I saw a big school of Haruan follow the former POF (Prisoner of Fishing) and swim towards the small drain linking to the reservoir. And they were gone! Did i spook the whole school? Hehehe...
After casting for some time, i got itchy and made my way to the other side of the drain linking to the reservoir. What i found shocked me... There were more Haruans and baby Tomans there! They were all sitting there happily waiting for food to pass by. I spotted around a dozen of them but most of them swam off when they saw me... A few were still there!
Drain Snakeheads
I packed up soon and went home after that as I have a hospital appointment later. Playing with Haruans is simply so fun... Not because of the fight but because of the way you get them. Hehe...
Maybe will try recce-ing another spot with Momok tomorrow. For Big Pacu, Temensis and some say giant freshwater turtle. Hopefully momok
and i don't get lost.
Cheers, Catch You Around