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How to catch Peacock Bass?

How to catch Peacock Bass?

A trip with Mok was made and we decided to head out to a legal spot which housed a fairly good amount of Peacock Bass. The last few times we were there, they were there and took lures aggressively. However, this time we couldn't get them to bite although i missed one on my Pole rod. I was using Pole rod and sabiki just gliding the sabiki from side to side. After an unsuccessful stint, Mok N me were unsatisfied and proceeded to chill out first before going on to the next spot. I went home to get my rod and off we went.

First stop was the Haruan hole that i discovered a few days back. Upon casting a few rounds, i'm convinced i really spooked the Haruans and they have escaped through the drain into the reservoir. We went over to the other side of drain and as expected, they were there basking in the naked sun. Mok got itchy and made a few casts but misses were all he got. He ALMOST got one but on bringing it out of the water, it flew back. He ALMOST got his first fish on his new Gloomis rod. In fact, the Haruan broke his rod virgin but didn't pay and ran away.

Being the itchy butts that we were, the normal butt 1 and suay butt 2 bashed deeper into the forests. We found a good track and continued scouting before finding a good place to cast. I was deeper in the forest and had spotted a group of Peacock Bass while Mok was still casting over at the other side. I used a floating minnow but the fish wasn't interested. I knew what would interest it... I entered the CHEAT CODE and took out The Famous Alan Chan's FLY. It was meant for spin fly and normally Peacock Bass will go crazy over spin fly no matter where you present it to them or how.

I casted far from the school and brought it in slowly in order not to spook them. A few of the fish chased but turned away. Looks like they preferred fast moving fly... I cranked up the speed and FISH ON! A decent size(nowadays) Peacock was landed by me. The whole school followed it in so i left the fish near the water edge while i casted out quickly and the moment the fly hit the water, the second hook up followed.

It was quite fun playing with the Peacocks... Itchy Kazhua Mok came over and casted his minnows all over the place. But there were little takes although he did have one take in which his hook gave way.

The Famous Alan Chan's Fly was still working and by the time Mok was tempted to use the fly, i had landed aorund 5 - 6 fishes. I passed Mok the fly and clipped on a newly acquired Yozuri Crystal Vibe. On the first cast near the fallen tree, there was a good take and a fish flew up. We couldn't really see what it was but i think i saw black stripes. When i saw the fish as it closed in, i realised it was actually a Toman but i had not exercised care(thinking it was another PB) and the fish threw the hook.

And THEN... Mok finally landed the first fish on his new rod... A...

PEACOCK BASS! Wahahaha...

We fished awhile more while we bashed to more spots(including back to the drain where Momok lost a few PB and Haruan when they all threw hook). We even bashed to a very steep spot where we did a "Butt Slide" to get all the way down to the water.

When we were almost done, we met Xris along the way and he directed us to a better spot with alot of PB... But.... We got lost!

It was a good trip in all... Found some nice interesting spots that wouldn't really interest me last time but luring is getting tougher in Singapore so we have to treasure all the small little spots and protect whatever we can. As long as we can land something(1 PB also can), it is a trip that is worth it.

See Momok... Back to basics... Welcome to the cheat code world of spin flys especially if they're made by Alan Chan.
Lastly, a short GIF of a Haruan getting spooked by Momok... 



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