Joined the gang for another hardcore bashing time at Southern Islands. We reached Botak Hill to catch our live squids as usual but there werent many squids today. However, the squids were very good size... They are the one shot one kill type of squids. I tested out my Daiwa MD Mini squid jigs and caught a few small arrowhead... kekeke...
After we caught around 20 squid, we set off for the bashing around midnight. We decided to keep half of the squids for morning because the current will pick up during daybreak. The boatman told us that will be the best timing tonight. Hehehe...
During the trip we are always talking about the 30kg Cobia that ran away and we wondered if there would be any Cobia this time round... We are not really sure and after some time we reached the first spot.
I took a live squid and baited it down. Current was not strong and size 16 was able to hold. Reeling up quite a few cranks from the bottom because i was using a long leader around 2 siam, i made sure i had my bait where i wanted it... Just a little off the bottom to seduce the Ang Cho. Within 3 minutes, i got a bite and i proceeded to strike the fish after it nibbled away.
The fish dived down immediatley but i stopped it with a little thumbing and after some cranking, up came a golden 1kg Ang Cho... Hehe... What a good start. I rebaited again while the others were getting a little jealous and almost instantly, my rod bent quite moderately and with a strike and a few headshakes, i brought up a decent sized kaci for the cooking pot... Looks like my luck was pretty good.
But i almost couldnt believe it when i caught the next fish again. This time, the rod bent more and dipped quite a number of times... Making sure i played this one safe and easy, i only striked when i had 100% confidence and controlled the fishes run with thumbing the spool so that it will not run to the back and entangle lines.
I was suprised when up came a 3kg Mr Golden... Wow... It was still not the size i was looking for but i cannot be fussy because im the only one getting fish... hehe
The current slowed down totally in the next 10 minutes and no more fishes were biting so we moved on to Bukom area. The first few area produce nothing much but after shifting a few spots, we found a few spots where the Ang Cho came out to play... But they were all pretty small ones... around the 800g range only. Even a Cobia was landed and bled.... Nice size for Sashimi...
Eventually, when daybreak came we all took out the squid that we saved and started fishing excitedly... Current was really picking up fast and the sun will be up soon. This is the best time to fish and always never fail to produce according to my own experiences.
I was almost dozing off when my rod had a violent tug but the tug only lasted 1 second and my line went slack. Thinking that the fish was swimming up, i rushed to my rod and reeled in all slack line to strike the fish. Could this be another Cobia?
NOOO!! When i reeled in all slack line, there was nothing left... SOMETHING had BITTEN my line from around 10 metres below the boat and i had lost around 30 metres of line! I have heard of Barracuda biting lines during jigging but even during bottom fishing? Oh my god...
Gave up fishing after that but there were also no bites around and we had to go off as many ships are moving around... Will be back for more action... So far haven't zero-ed yet with this boat and that's a good sign.
When we returned back to docks, we saw what the boatman's friends caught for the day. They didnt catch much but they had caught a Gao Tun around 12kg with chao sotong... What's more... Do you know what tackle they used? A 3000 sized reel with some mono line and a rod which looks even makes my bassterra feel powerful... LOL... Hey why purchase expensive tackle when cheap tackle can land you a gaotun in offshore? Hahaha...
After reaching RSYC, my friend's friend invited us to go fishing with him day time FOC... That is crazy man i tell my friend if he accept it he will become a zombie one.... Luckily we didnt accept... LOL!
Anyway here is the total catch and the Gao Tun...