It's great that I finally managed to organise another family trip since all of us are so busy and we seldom go out together. The build up to the trip was filled with obstacles and the logistics were not easy since I had to cater to so many troublesome needs... But i guess it turned out well okay.
All 13 of us gathered at Harbourfront Centre early in the morning and checked in extremely early since i already collected the tickets beforehand. We even were too early and we weren't allowed to check in for another 10 minutes! But that aside, things went off pretty smoothly all the way till check in onto the resort itself.
KTM Resort... an ideal place for relaxation, a little leisure eging and of course to just binge out...
We took the rooms C1, C3, C5 which were the closest to the restaurant. The view at C1 was simply breathtaking but my family took C5 so I guess the view didn't apply to us.
My brother with his dull face again... The Pacu pond was just next to our cottages!
My brother with a rod... at the pacu pond
The relatives and the in laws were pleasantly surprised by the rustic cleanliness of the whole setup since they were used to the hassle free accommodations at kelongs.
The beds and toilets...

Once all accommodations issues were settled, I dragged myself hurriedly over to the eging "spots". It was already low tide and I was extremely skeptical of being able to even get a hookup.
Finally at the spot... Peace at lust
I tried eging for around 30 minutes using various techniques like casting in between the stilts and Japanese style eging but there were simply no squid interested. After for some time, there was not enough water to continue eging at that spot which was productive for me the last time round. I moved on to cast at deeper waters but the current wasn't making it easy for my size 2.5 Yamashita... So i clipped on a size 3.5 limited edition squid jig that i had in my arsenal.
I wasn't sure it was going to work since my Bassterra wasn't the ideal rod to work such a big jig... But lo and behold... First cast into the reef area just beside the big rocks and i got a goalkeeper! Everyone at the restaurant stared at me as i gave out yelps of glee... They gave out gasps of shock when i brought in the squid... Little did I know that I would have to do more work later.
Squid Squid... Hehehe...

I got another squid by casting at the same area but after that it was lunch time so I stopped...
We had Chilli Mussels, Cream Corn Soup, Baby Kailan and Szechuan Chicken Cubes...
After lunch, i tried the same tactics but they did not work... As it was already low tide, i went back to the room to get some shut eye while the ladies went over to the market. My dad's contacts came over and brought us to the market to get the ingredients for tonight's dinner. The seafood was extremely cheap at the market. We got 5 GIANT SIZED mud crabs for only 18 SGD. We stopped over at my dad's contact place for a look...
We couldn't make it to the private fishing pond since there was not enough time but I was told there are pacus at the pond... hehehe...
Anyway, dinner will be cooked by my dad's friend at no cost and even brought over to us later on... We were definitely not going to eat at KTM... >:)
However, I had no pictures of the food as i was busy eging...
Night approached quickly and after seeing how I caught squids in the day, my relatives had funny ideas and this was what i did for them...
And this was what they did!
But alas... we were all disappointed that night. There was not even 1 green eye sighted although arrows were plenty. Then again, the arrows were refusing our squid jigs since there was ample bait fish around. I even lost my trusty rare size 3.5 squid jig...
Momok are you listening... I NEEEEED MORE!
I went to bed early and did not bother to catch the downgoing tide although i had a hunch that the squids might come out then. I intended to wake up at 7am to continue eging but the problem at KTM was that once you slept, you never wake up on time...
Morning did come so i brought my brother out to fish... We did not catch anything much other than a giant seklar... There were lots of tamban to be caught and the locals caught pails of it. On a side note though, i spotted a school of 3 - 4 Spanish Mack around the 5kg mark going after a school of baitfish very near the reef area.
Time passed on quickly and it was time to go back... We had lunch at the restaurant which consisted of extremely tasty asparagus soup, sweet and sour live siakap, live scallops and durian juice.
No major hiccups for this trip. I am extremely satisfied that i could spend some time with my family. The comments of approval from my relatives were nice too...
Maybe we will be back during the squid season next time... Just maybe...
Some additional photos for viewing pleasure...
