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Sibu Kelong Fishing Christmas 2008

No turkey! No Xmas Tree! No presents! But I'm fine with that.

As it turned out, less than 40 people were @ Sibu Kelong over the Christmas period. Gooood for us!

Here's the trip write up. There are some giants lost during this trip by one group... Sigh... The story of pussy drags...

Day 1
Our drive up to Sibu was sunny but when we reach the T Lemon Jetty... Hoho it started to be damn windy and awhile later it rained. According to the people there, it rained big time over the last few days. When we headed off to the Kelong on the boat... OMG. The normally blue waters are now even worse than Changi waters. Brown, muddy and choppy... Heart was thinking whether this type of water even got fish.

What the heng?!?!
So we reached the Kelong and the wind was so strong and the water so muddy. I rigged up a Sabiki and prepared to catch some baits but instead i got many big Seklar. Wow... Seems like muddy water prove good for Seklar...

Then some ah lau fisho came beside me and casted out an apollo rig with smelly sotong from the Kelong freezer. The moment he put his rod on the holder... omg... His rod bent and crrkkk crrrkkk crrkkkkk. His pussy drag reel gave a sound which i cannot really describe. Its like the reel wanted to have an orgasm... But... just not the same.

Everyone came around to see him fight the fish and he is still fighting the unknown fish on his pussy drag setup after 10minutes. Very soon after the fish got tired we saw a Queenie make a jump on its way up. Wow... Queenie on Chao Sotong. -___-

Anyway, it was quickly gaffed up and after 20 minutes of fighting, the pusssssy setup won the battle. Will this be the last battle for the pussy setup? We will know later...

My side i was having fun with the big Seklars. It is not easy to get them at first but once we know the depth they are playing at, me and Weiyee are getting them by the dozens.

After around 2 hours of playing with the Seklar, we decided to retire to our beds after lunch as the wind got very strong and it was now raining cat and dogs. Weiyee got orgasm with Seklar. Kekeke...

Ok so now we retired and very relax so i went out for a short walk and managed to see the ah lau with the pussy setup using chao sotong again. Once again... His rod bent and the fish swam towards him.

He pumped the rod with such power... Seems like forever high sticking... Never see him bring the rod down. The fish follow up and soon surface and OMFG i had a shock of my life. At first i thought its a big tiger shark as i saw the tail but soon i can see it is a BIG GIANT COBIA which will weigh in no less than 20kg.

Then the very comical scene starts happening after this. The ah lau friend thinks he can gaff the fish already so he go over with the gaff but i knew what will happen next. The Cobia was just acting blur only... The next moment when it saw the gaff, it decided to chiong out... And here we go for the merry go round tour around Ah Ngan's Kelong!

Can you hear the pussy drag going out... Forced Orgasm!

Many people came for the tour... First stop... Sotong Spot.

Cobia took out line from pussy setup and made a big round over to the left of Sotong spot... Then it continued out and took out much line before swimming into the TV Area... Very soon it was taking out line again and made a big round towards the Sotong Spot again! I was thinking how come this ah lau is so heng... Never once did the Cobia try to run under the Kelong... All it did was run around with pussy drag. Kekeke...

Anyway, by now many busy body all staring still wondering what fish is it. Many of them think it is a Stingray.

So Cobia ran back to the TV Area and now came the other funny part... The Ah Lau on the pussy rod was stubborn. The fish was running towards his left and i told him to faster go over to the left so he can control the fish as he is in line with the fish but he didn't believe and give me that "Fuck Off" look. So ok lor i told AG that we can see show soon.

The Cobia swam towards the most left of the kelong and that fucking Ah Lau still at the extreme right of the Kelong.

Ok so now i beh tahan... About to see a big fish being lost so i told him again to quick tighten the drag and pump it in... Mai Tu... He ignored me again and next moment the fish decided to not play anymore. It gave a dash in which made his gave his Pussy reel a forced orgasm and the line got stuck on the Kelong Stilts. After abit of struggle the line broke and everyone gave a "AIYAH!".

The only pic of the fish swimming away lazily...

So everyone see the big Cobia swim away on the surface as if nothing happen... Sigh... I really can't believe this stubborn Ah Lau... Want to be stubborn can... At least make sure you get the fish up mah.

After that i decided to sleep and wait for night...

Night 1
Haha... nothing much on this night. The wind and rain got worser in the night... And with the strong wind came the super choppy muddy waters. How strong? Here's a video to show you. Its so strong until one of the wooden pillar supporting a rod holder collapsed. Luckily no rods there... A few styrofoam and chairs almost got blown off away. Kekeke...

Anyway, I tried eging by clipping on a size 5 sinker and my squid jig but still got blown away by current. I almost sangoat my jig and i soon gave up.

After this nothing much... Tried waking up every 3 hours to check wind conditions but the howling told me that the wind was still on.

Told myself not to lose hope and that the squid will be around tomorrow when the wind dies off. After that i woke up at first light to try some Saitoh jigging... But after a few misses, i gave up again and went to sleep.

Day 2
After i woke up, the wind seems to die down abit although it was still raining. As usual, clipped on a Sabiki and went against the current to jig for Seklar... There are alot of Big Seklar and Tamban as usual and we had fun getting them. I dropped one sizeable Sagai on my Sabiki when I had to pump it up to avoid the stilts.

Anyway, I don't know why I'm so "lucky" but i managed to witness another hook up. This time it was by Jimmy's Ah Lau friend. His setup was not bad and the fish didn't take out alot of line... But from the fierce wobbling and headshake on the rod... Everyone was guessing... Guessing until noone went to look for the gaff so i went to play hero and got the gaff down into the water...

The fish came up and wow it was a good sized Cobia. Not as big as the other days one but at least 3 kg in size. The first few attempt at gaffing it missed when the fish saw the gaff and dived a few more time. But after awhile i managed to gaff the fish up. There are a few scary moment when the line got stuck on the gaff but phew lucky i managed to land it if not the blame will be on me.

Anyway, it was a happy Ah Lau with a happy fish... He kept thanking me and i keep saying no worries... Inside my heart, thinking about what will happen if i lost the fish. If i lose a fish for a close friend, at least it is less "pain" and "awkward" but if i lost a big one for a stranger... That will not feel good.

Haha after that everyone ka zhua that spot and crowded over there since all the big ones are biting at that area that is against the current flow. After jigging for countless Seklar over the next few hours, me and Weiyee got bored and we spotted many Todak on the surface just hanging around so we got a crazy idea.

We rig up live prawn and dead tambans on a simple hook and casted out... The Todaks didnt take the bait but once we tried "popping" and "spinning" the baits on minimal drag... Wow... ZzzzzZZzzt... Although the Todaks quite small, the line going out still gave us some cheap thrill. After landing some 10 over Todaks which were CNR, we decided to take a rest and get ready for the night.

Night 2
Now this is the problem when you got the Todak... You just cant stop. During evening the Seklar were biting again but this time i jig up tamban and casted them out on Cable Car to aim for Saitoh... Hey my fish came true. I managed to land two of them almost instantly but after that quite hard to fish as many ka zhua came to cross my line. Sigh. Anyway... These Saitohs will be our bait for the night... Kekeke...

After dinner, i went out to check the conditions for squid again but seems like the wind too strong for squiddy spot. After awhile, me and Weiyee move on to the TV Area to jig for squid as that area is shielded from the wind. After trying for like 1 hour, Weiyee saw a squid floating by very fast on the surface and casted towards it and hey he got the first Green Eye of the night. Kekeke...

After that quiet again and I tried Jap style eging... Cast out very far away and did the twitching which made alot of fishos stare at me and wondering what stunt i doing. It seems my hard work pay off when i got a small arrowhead on my jig. I casted out again wondering if there is a school of them but sigh... No more...

Seems like the squid are not around this time or they are simply floating all over the place. Water too choppy and muddy.

Another funny happen is that one ah lau landed a DEAD Ang Chor. He cast out and went to sleep... When he came back 3hrs later... Hahaha... He found an ang chor at the end of his line. Wow... But its dead liao.. Wahaha...

Me and Weiyee hooked up our live squids but sadly... Before any biggies could come, the malongs came to disturb us. I got a tiny one while Weiyee got a super huge one. Sigh... By this time the same thing happened and many ka zhua came to cast at our spot.

We got so bored with crossing lines that me and Weiyee went to hibernate until 2am which we agree we would wake up to cast the Saitohs out.

2am? Shit! We woke at 4am instead! We still cast the whole Saitohs out on multiple gang rigs but after around 20mins, we managed to find our way back onto the bed again!

Somehow, i managed to wake up at around 6am and wow there are so many splashes on the surface. I saw these group of Malaysians using slim profile minnows. These minnows look like jigs but infront there is a bib. The action is damn good and its proven because they landed around 7 Saitohs and even more misses on these lures. I was trying white rabbit jig but it couldnt match the swimming action of the "jig-like" lures. I'm now on the search for these lures... Kekeke... They look damn yozurish to me.

Day 3
After breakfast, i went over to jig again and hey the tamban and seklar are back. This time i told myself i will head to the Cobia spot to use cable car to hunt for the Cobia. After trying for around 20 minutes i finally got my first and last Cobia of the trip with Live tamban.

The greedy fish didn't even bend my rod so when I was checking bait it was reeled in. The fish was already half dead and the hook was so deep in that I had to cut line. By the time the bloody mess was done, the fish was not moving... Sigh. Which leads to another question... Will Cobia die if they are not allowed to swim? I know Sharks will die if they don't swim.

After this the same thing happened... All the ka zhua came and took over my spot so i decided to retire. Just when i wanted to lie down, Weiyee came over and said he spotted many todaks... So i went over with him to try again... Kekeke...

This time, i did not spin my bait but i cast far out using a float because i wanted the big one. Weiyee gave up after awhile but i continue hiding under the shade when my rod bent and line was going out. By the time i reached my rod... Omg... I can see the backing of my spool. WTF.

Here, another funny incident happen... There is this small boy just happened to be beside my rod and he stare at the bent rod and peeling line as if got some kind of ghost. He was damn scared and run into the bedside where he told his mummy got some super big fish. But his mummy just laugh at him... Hahahaha... WTH?

Back to the fish...

So when i got to my rod, instinct told me to release more line and finally i tighten my spool and gave a good whack... Bad move or not? After the hook set, seems like my line peeling off more rapidly. I was forced to tighten the drag all the way down and after that the fish could only peel off the line bit by bit and very soon it gave up. The fish couldnt run and all i had to do was lift my rod. Every time the fish wanted to run, it couldn't so it tried to shake its head all the time...

Now when the fish was nearer i had another problem. There is no one to land it for me. Wah Piang... The sun was very strong now and everyone inside the Kelong. Noone saw me fighting any fish yet.... So i went for broke and grabbed the braided line. Bit by bit, the Todak came up and it was finally on the Kelong.

Seems that the fish is well spent... It is hardly jumping and after taking out the hook, the Todak just lay there... Almost still. Seems like have to Tapao this one... Then it is lunch time! TING TING TING!

After this... Hooray! Its back to SG! But not after stopping over at Jusco and JB for some R N R.

Total catch... We had almost 3kg worth of BIG Seklar with the usual Leng Chiam... Kekeke...

Btw I guess it is now Cobia season at Sibu... There are two burst offs by big Cobias that one group didn't managed to land because they have poor coordination during gaffing. On a side note, there are many BIG Rabbits and Laimungs now too!


Taufik Sardon said…
Sad la... bad la...

I'm itching for eging already... gona get new rod soon.
Ah yew said…
milky, brown, muddy and choppy water is the good time to fish for large fish and there will be alot of fish..
As the waters are not clear, more fish will eventually come out from their shelter, once you put ur bait down they will not be able to see your hook, they will bite ur hook straight away..
And who says that there are better catch at sibu kelong when the water is very clear?
Ah yew said…
Once u hav gotten a big fish, dont waste your time, try to bring it near the kelong and dont bother to reel up the fish by urself, use the spear to spear it up, if you bring the fish near the kelong for too long, get ready to say bye bye..
Ah yew said…
during a time in the morning there are more bigger seklars, so dont miss out..
And at night, there are ALOT of seklar papans and tua baks, u can try by casting out ur seklar jigs quite far from the kelong and slowly reel in back by jigging abit after reeling in 1 round.. Im sure that the big seklar papans, tua baks and even juvenile barracudas will hook on it.. Reeling back tua baks and seklar papans will need some energy too as they are very active..
I recommended you to use a type of Apollo that has shinny feathery like bait and its very long, it is more effective..
Ah yew said…
when u are fishing using medium size hooks ,and suddenly there is a strong bite that cause ur rod to bent over then the fish is gone, it could be the batfish..
Nigel said…
Thanks for all your very detailed comments ah yew... are you the real ah yew from sibu kelong?

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