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29 - 30 November 2008 Sibu Kelong Trip With Relatives

I organised a trip to Sibu for my relatives and my mum because my mum wanted to try Sibu very much since last year so now i decided to organise a short 2D1N trip for her. Trip was very troublesome for me as i have to arrange fishing tackle for many of my newbies uncle. I lost many terminal tackle and squit jigs but hey it was a fun trip after all...

On this trip, landed the usual leng chiam and swa chiam... Managed to hook quite a big sucker fish which i thought was a huge cobia from on top... Its around 4 - 5kg. Managed to get around 200 odd pcs of Seklar and kunning... And the huge arrowhead...

Anyway, the Seklar and kunning are in frenzy mode during this trip... Full house full house!

I'm glad my mum and brother enjoy themself during this trip... They caught their first fishes.


This is my brother fishing... Kekeke...<
