After getting myself my Calstar Grafighter 600xl, I've thought of the possible reels to pair it with... I've considered the new Daiwa Saltist LD 20 two speed and some other good value for money yet excellent reels.
I've finally arrived at my decision and that was to get the Accurate Boss Magnum 197 low speed... It seemed a little light in the drag department when using my hands to gauge the drag but after loading in some line, i found the line payout to be smooth and strong.
PRETTY and Compact
That's how compact it is... it could get a little bit of getting used to for fat thumbs like me.

It was a tough decision but i went for the 197 as i thought i needed a little something. The Calstar 600xl is easily under-rated at 10 - 25lbs and being the sort of rod that it is, i will be pushing it to its limits during trips.
It's currently loaded with some 150m of PE3 Varivas on a little mono backing until i get new line. It should be a sweet combination with my Calstar Rod in my upcoming light bottom trips and maybe even for the Sailfish.
I will be calibrating and getting a feel of my "perfect" strike drag during my Changi Light Bottom trips because i don't really believe in setting the drag at home with some weights. I still prefer to accustom myself to the reel when using it. It will be a good experiment and sort of a challenge until i can get the MAXIMUM effect out of my rod without breaking anything.
I will be starting my Degree studies in July... I wonder will i have time to fish like i usually do. I guess it's time to "evolve" into a weekend angler... for now...