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Desaru Jigging 12 May with Captain Badol

After the previous Desaru fishing trip with tekong Badol in which we had landed a few good sized coral trout (ang gao) or red grouper, we are very excited about this trip. After directing a few of our kakis on how to get to Desaru via the new highway (ulu Tiram), we finally got to the meeting point at the Desaru mini mart where they sell food and drinks. At the back is a place where you can get live prawns at Desaru. At desaru you can find boatman contacts like desaru ah long fishing, desaru ah hee fishing but i have only tried badol before... Usually they will do desaru jigging at TU lighthouse, tukun reef and of course unjam for batang...

On this trip, we are going for the Spanish Mackeral or Tengeri batang fish using jackson pintail and asari pinktails. On this trip, Clarence also proved that the Duel Hardcore 110S 38g (you can get it a Kaiser tackle) works as he lost 3 of them to the tengeri!

Boarding the boat at Desaru beach.. it's a great sunrise at Desaru... no suprise that many like to have Desaru beach evening wedding shoots...

The batang were around that day and they made the Chencaru aka hardtail scad vanish when they started hitting our lures. We lost quite alot of lures to the fishes!

Andrew with a Chencaru on jig on his favourite ripple fisher madai rod...

Majorcraft go emotion 5-10lbs and certate 2500r castng 40g pinktails and pintails with ease. handling beautifully from setting hook to fighting. fight was over in seconds. needless to say, gotta lend some power from the reel and strike more than once...

Shawn with the next one on Eupro salty fighter and daiwa freams 3000

Clarence with a good sized tongkol or bonito with the Jackson hardcore 110s

Frank with a chencaru on 50g pintail!

I landed the last tengeri of the day.... there was a frenzy when i was bust off by a tengeri and i wasted no time and tied the pe1 braided mainline straight to the asari pinktail! What do u know... a mack took it and i landed it! Lucky? heehee...

I used the asari pinktail with some success during this trip. The key to use it is to PLAY IT SLOWLY. Tip on how to work the pink tail... Cast out and make sure the minnow is swimming straight(you can gauge by the resistance). If not swimming straight, recast. Reel at moderate speed after sinking. U can reel twitch reel twitch so that the movement becomes erratic and so this will make the lousy action turn "good".

Tonic for our trip

Finished off with a good meal at you kee char siew.... yumyum!

Lol we are thinking of having kayak fishing at Desaru next time... don't know if that is possible for kayak fishing in singapore is already so popular!


Anonymous said…
Bro...email you some queries. Would appreciate if you could provide me with some advices.

Thank you.

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