Under top secret directives from the family, I was dispatched on an offshore fishing mission to procure top secret items for the Chinese New Year Eve Reunion Dinner... Well to keep things simple, Ah Chong had an open slot as someone cancelled the booking... So I had to take it right? The previous day saw 30 over fish and Threadfin Salmon but luck was not with us this time and we managed just an average catch...
Joining us on this trip was Momok sister and beginner's luck was well with her!
Current was lacklustre and a little late so I was thinking that the bite may pick up around 3pm... well it certainly did but after the bites started coming in, so did the thunderstorm!!!
Terence with a good sized chor
This trip was extremely boring for me and I only managed to get two ang chors aka golden snappers... Ah Chong managed a beautiful Ang Kuey aka red snapper... Somewhere towards the end of the trip, Momok sister's rod bent all the way and the line kept going out. She thought that she might have snagged onto a rock while we were drift fishing.... She called to momok and momok went over to save her from the snag... or so we thought...
As momok reeled in, he found out that it was not a snag at all but a grouper!!!! A grouper close to 4lbs was brought in amidst the cheers of the crowd... Well done well done i would say...
Well, below is the total catch... All of us had some fishes to bring back the chinese new year... and like they say.. nian nian you yu... and it's a red beginning to the new year for us!