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Pole Fishing For Golden Pomfret

I've finally received the photos for our New Year's Day fishing at Pasir Ris Farmway 3 from Momok. It'll take some time to sort them out though! We had some fun yesterday at the Pasir Ris Pole Fishing Pond. Fishing is done by using a long pole, mono main line and house hooks/leaders. I've been observing this pond for awhile and finally got a chance to test out what I observe. The house pole rods are heavy and thick but the fight of the fish is good if you allow it to run.

We got ourselves 2 rods for $50 each for 3 hrs. Me, Momok, his Brother in law and his kids are the participants... The bait we are using is prawn meat as we are targeting the Golden Pomfret/Pompano/Permit/Kim Chio. For the 1st hour, we had nothing! I only had one take and the fish threw the hook. The other two people at the pond were landing fish though so we continued scratching our head. It was not until the ah lau next to me asked his daughter to buy something for him that i realised what the secret was.

The little rascals...

Both of us are hooked!

With the secret thing in place, bites were much easier to feel and striking was easy. Once the ah lau left, we are hitting fish quite regularly. We lost quite alot of fish as once we got one we will pass to the small kids to have fun with the fish. After 9pm, we had the whole pond to ourselves so it was fun as we could let the fish run all over the place. The kim chios here take that bait very slowly but it's fun... I foul hooked one on the head and I was running all over the place to try and stop it.

If the fish run to the pump area the key is to keep your rod low so the line is low and won't get caught in the propeller. They're not sharp and rocky so it's hard to get cut off. If it dashes to the front where the rope meshes are, keep your rod left/right to turn the fish or to keep the hook away from the rope.

Getting a fish

The below average haul...

We will definitely be back for more... hehehe... Momok u better not go without me!

A parting funny shot... Yup... he got his line up the tree!


Paddy Pike said…
Hahaha that parting shot is a good one, I have even done it myself hahahehe, Isn't the water very green or is it just the light that makes it look like that,
Nigel said…
Paddy, it's partly the lighting. The water is a little murky though. Thanks for the comment Paddy. Looking forward to your posts!
Anonymous said…

What's the secret? Share share leh!!!
Nigel said…
You bring me go lah... hahaha
Anonymous said…
ya man.. wats the secret.. been there twice but caught nothing,..
Nigel said…
There is 2 secrets,.... one secret is... do not use the float...
Anonymous said…
Alright man! Thks a lot! I'll try it out!!
Lotsa appreciation!!!

Do i use live prawns? Is it better or peeled dead prawns will do?
Nigel said…
peeled dead prawn cubes for kim chio... live prawns/milkfish for everything else...
Anonymous said…
Hey Nigel! I tried it out and it really does works! Thks a million for ur secret advices. Appreciate it to the max..

Ur blog has been really informative and u're a person who's not selfish to secrets! Really thks again!
Allan said…
Dear nigel,i am new to pond fishing and hope to have your advice. May I know what is the other tip which u wld advise? Thank you so much :)

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