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Weekend Frogging Day 5: Chocolate Land

Made a trip down to the ol' haruan hole today and i hoped the recent rains might induce better/worse action. No worries on the outcome... It was more of the thrills of observation.

When walking into the area, i saw a mother wild boar. A big black fierce one... Seeing something so big and huge staring down at you was definitely a different experience from the TV or from a distance. I had brush encounters with wild boars before but this mama stared down at me and refused to budge. I slowly backed away out of her sight and observed from far. The mama paused before somehow signalling to the rest of her pack. A few babies came out and they disappeared into the forest cover as fast as they could.

When i reached the area, i was shocked... First signs of waterlogged terrain in a few weeks! I managed to get out of the waterlogged area and proceed to the casting point. Wow... Where i was standing at and landing my fish a few weeks back was now water! The water had extended a metre or two and a cast or two with a minnow determined that the water level was now quite deep. I could not even hook up any debris or rubbish after a few casts.

Fired the usual arms into the weeds and bushes... The usual scumfrogs, SCs and today i had my loud rattling roosta with me. Strangely, no takes althougth there was alot of underbush activity and boofs. Could it be that the fish are now trained not to take surface chugs? Or that the deep water makes it less easier for them to penetrate the surface? Or that the deep water has forced them deeper and now out of reach for me? Points to ponder...

I moved in deeper to search for some fish and found myself in another waterlogged mess... This time i got stuck in quite abit of mud. Hahaha! But its okay it wasnt that serious...Not until i found out i messed an ant hole!!! Did a scramble out of the area and later moved in again when all was clear... From the new area, i spotted belidas surfacing. Not big... From the tail width, probably around the 2-3kg range... Blasted minnows at them but they werent interested. They seemed to be chasing the small haruan fry schools... Damn!

After that it was around 9am plus and time for me to go... I don't like the sun. The most impressive thing i saw today was an Eagle swooping down into the water to grab a fish...

Simply beautiful.

Till the next frogging day!!! Maybe when chocolate land has turned into the desert again...


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