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Fishing for Giant Trevally (GT) at GT Fishing Pond with an Eging Rod? Why not!

Tackle that made the difference

Eging: Zenaq Assaut Esperto Spada 80 / Shimano Vanquish C3000 / Fins PRT 8lb braid / Seaguar #7 FXR

General casting: Zenaq Jigger Trust T60-1 / Shimano Stella 4000M / PE 1.5 line from Angler's Hut / Seaguar #10 FXR

Photos of the epic day

I actually did better than I expected by landing 2 GTs and 1 Barramundi on the eging setup. Landed 1 GT on the general casting setup. I guess fish were quite friendly that day.

Beautiful photo by Sherwinder

Chonky mangrove jack
Envy that size!

Fun day of eging

My lure got stuck on the umbrella. When it dropped into the water, boom! Barra! Felt a bit like toman fishing.

Contact for GT fishing pond

Do note that the lease for Aunty Fishing Pond is ending soon so act fast to try eging at at a GT pond! Contact for GT fishing pond here.

Enjoy the TikTok videos!

@baktao Eging at Singapore's one and only GT fishing pond. Sad that this place will close middle 2023. #fishing #sg #singapore #sgtiktok #sgfishing #gtfishing #gianttrevally #fishingpond #eging #zenaq #fish #luring #fishinglife ♬ 嗚呼、我が浪漫の道よ - PelleK
@baktao 2022 Shimano Stella 4000M. Ok lah, can use. #shimanofishing #shimano #shimanostella #shimanostella #fishing #gtfishing #sgfishing ♬ Fantasy music box(1194764) - Tukishima Kanade


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