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Sam Law Boat Fishing July 2022

A standard day out with Sam Law

It's been literally more than three months since this catch report on Sam Law but still not short of amazing. Sam Law has been producing super fishing catch reports over the last few years. He is one of the most consistent fishing gurus around in Singapore.

This trip wasn't working too well for me as I was mostly doing jigging. But not too bad, caught a couple of groupers on jig and also a sweetlips (must catch because of the tee shirt). But Sam took the mickey out of me for not catching any snappers.

Very fat fish!

This was actually quite big at 1kg but not sure why photo so small

Good gao

The snappers were biting!

Joshua on a roll

Really easy fishing today with shallow fishing spots so we used small sinkers and light setups.

Almost explode box

Kaci t shirt of shame

Some of the snappers were really good sized

Good day!

We had dinner at our favourite zhi char after Sam Law. One of the best steamed fish I have eaten in my life in and of Singapore!

Teochew steamed grouper

Thai style grunter aka guhood

Best Zhi Char!


Unknown said…
Hi,Nigel, I am a newbie to saltwater fishing in sg. And last Sunday i went to my first boat trip from Marina South Pier. On last Sunday, the current is really strong, I have used number 8 sinker but it still kept running. I just wonder what would be the common sinker weight for bottom fishing in SG? Is the current always that strong in SG?
Nigel said…
Nope, it depends on the current, spot and wind. Sometimes, we use only size 3 and 4 sinkers.

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