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Trolling Fishing in Singapore

Trolling in Singapore? You mad ah? Well, this trip started off this way and this was truly something we wanted to try out in Singapore. Batang (Spanish Mackeral) was a common catch in Singapore in the past and we still get the sporadic fish here and there but nobody in Singapore ever targets them specifically. This was what we wanted to do on this trip but it was a miss because we couldn't predict the weather. It was super windy and rocky that day and we quickly gave up trolling. 

As for tide, I have had mixed experience with neap or spring tides for these fish. On some neap tides, these fish take jigs and lures willingly... but old birds always say spring tide for pelagic. Aiya, doesn't matter if got strong wind.

Pick up some live baits to support our fishing also

Most effective colour.

Big Mac trolling lure. The real deal.

Boon landed a fish! This was caught near Raffles Lighthouse :)

Tried to pick up some fish and there

Boon's got a fish!

This fake barramundi was huge!

We later had a good dinner too...

Steamed thai style sagai!


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