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Good Fishing Spot at Singapore Changi Carpark 2 (suitable for kids and newbies)

Read below for the fishing spot!

Have you always wondered where to bring your kid or a newbie fishing? Maybe you brought them to Orto or D'best or even Gills fishing pond. Those are good but nothing will ever beat free fishing where a newbie can try out all his new fishing gear without much negative comments from pro anglers.

But ok, so recently I brought my Kiddo fishing at Changi Carpark 2 and was quite surprised that there was quite abit of leng chiam aka red eared emperor at this spot. We only fished for 15 minutes and caught many pieces. In fact, I would say you don't even need any fishing lessons to catch fish here. Best of all this fishing spot in Singapore is not that crowded and fairly easy to locate.

The exact fishing spot

You don't really need to fish exactly at this spot since you can fish and explore around the whole coast but if you need some visual indication, refer to the photos.

A little shade

Calm beautiful waters

I stood around this area

How to get to the fishing spot

The spot is right behind (at the beach) Changi Beach Car Park 2. It is easily accessible with a bit of shade.

What rigs to use

You can use small hooks between 5 to 8 with thin leader and paternoster/apollo style rigs. For me, I just use size 8 sabiki rigs and cast them out. Many pros will tell you to buy their expensive pre-tied rigs but fishing shouldn't be so complicated. Just use cut prawn meat or worms as bait and cast out. You'll get bites in no time.

Kiddo got bored after awhile

Bucket was filled up quickly. Fishes were all released later.

Small sinker can already

Bring your kiddo too :)


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