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Extra Large Flower Crabs from NTUC (Simple Steam Recipe)

I just gotta have my big flower crabs because I simply miss the fresh sweet taste... Ever since I stop doing crabbing in Singapore because of lack of good crabbing spots, I turned to NTUC... Luckily, Bukit Panjang Plaza NTUC sometimes has surprises during the flower crab season and this time I chanced upon some very large male and female flower crabs on sale at $12/kg. These were not live and were covered with shaved ice... but no matter because they were fairly fresh (for flower crabs standards) and they were super meaty at an average of 800g a crab!

Extra large sizes!

The females were huge too!

I bought about 10 big crabs and went home to prepare simple ingredients for a quick steam. Since these crabs are already dead and chilled, quickly cook them as soon as possible... If you are not planning to cook them today, simply chuck them in the freezer. I clean crabs myself so I had no trouble preparing them for the steam! If you do not know how to clean crabs... here's how...

How to gut and clean flower (swimmer) crabs
1) If it's not dead, simply stick a knife into the belly
2) Remove the head by pulling it off.
3) Remove the crab gills by pulling them off by hand
4) Brush the dirt/grime/mud off the crab shells
5) Give the crab some water to bathe with and you're all ready!

Here's the recipe for my simple steamed flower crabs... for a portion of 2 x 800 flower crabs
1) Chop 2 x chilli
2) Chop about 8 strips of ginger
3) Chop half a clove garlic
4) Mix the garnish up with 2 tbsp Hua Teow Chiew (Chinese Wine), 2 tbsp. light soy sauce, 2 tbsp. sesame oil, 1/2 tbsp. salt
5) Pour the seasoning over the crabs
6) Depending on the fire, steam for about 10-15 mins

Prepare them for steaming

Remember to ensure the water is boiling before putting them in

They're all done!

Craving for some extra large flower crabs?

My favourite portion of crabs... the body "drumstick" area!


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