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Pole Fishing For Patin at Geylang Badminton Hall Prawn Fishing

Some friends and me heard about this new pole fishing for fishes thing at the Geylang Badminton Hall... Usually they have prawn and crab fishing. They have facilities for you to BBQ your prawn and crabs. Usually the rate is 3hrs for $30 but on some week nights it's 4 hrs $30. On weekend, they release colour tag prawns.

Here's how to get there....

It's just behind "Fatty Weng" restaurant.

100 Guillemard Road #01-13
Former Singapore Badminton Hall
Singapore 399718

A long time back i actually thought of this idea of releasing fishes into a pond and people can use prawn rods to get them. My first idea was to use small kims(seabass) as it's yummy, cheap and easy to keep. Well, this place has finally done the idea... kudos to them... but instead of using kbl, they use small Patins around the 1 - 2lbs size.

It's $5 per rod and you get to fish for a few hours. They have a stipulated timing which is 9pm - 2am i think. If you do not burst your line, you can keep on fishing and keeping the fishes but as long as you burst the hook leader, you have to purchase another hook at $5. So if you're good, you can use $5 to get as many fishes as possible.

At first we were skeptical, but we saw the pond was packed with fish and we decided to give it ago since it's only 5 bucks. When you purchase 5 rods, you get 1 free so total we have 6 rods for $30. Most people use the foul hook method at the pond and within 30mins most of us had "used up" our $5 try. Hahahaha.

It was quite fun fishing the Patins... we found out the high stick method works best. Bring the fish's head up on the water and it will be easier. There is still a lot of running around to be done though... hehehe...

We had some fish landed at the end of the day and even a simple video to show you the action.... Enjoy! No fishing tips yet but prawning tips... well you can look through my prawning posts.

Alan with his catches...



Hey!!! geyland baminton hall also have. I just went to the one at jurong bird park. No skill, burst 3 line and then watch people in action. *Like* But the jurong bird park one, give you nothing to land. Does this badminton hall one, give you like net or what to land the fish?
Nigel said…
Nope... use ur hand to land it lor... think by e same people
Paddy Pike said…
So you have to tail them out, Excelent,
Still a fish in good order, But indoor fishing, Might be the way ahead,
Anonymous said…
Hey there! Is this CNR or you can bring the fish back after landing it? Thanks.
Nigel said…
You can bring it back... or release it back into the pond
Bro .... My Uncle have A Patin Pond Located At 10 Neo Tiew Lane 2 , D'Kranji . Bigger Than Jurong Bird Park & Geylang .... We Do Have Prawning & Patin Fishing . Stocks Weights 1.5 kg - 7 kg ...
Hedonist said…
amazing variety of fishing methods from the assortment of vidz u have on this page ! made for some very interesting viewing, thks for sharing !
New ToFishing said…
The line at geylang really snap easily. Nvr get any fish in the morning. 7pm go agian and get 4 patin.
Can guide to hook more up?
Anonymous said…
How to go to yr uncles one?

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