Hi everyone, I'm just back from my light jigging and bottom fishing trip at Pekan seas. A pity the outboard broke down on the second day if not the catch would have been better. We hit our target fishes of Ebek and i even got a good monster surprise on light tackle. Will be posting it up soon but here's a mini post first.
I got myself a new reel and i will be using it for light jigging/popping. It's a very affordable and decent looking reel. I admit i look for a sturdy bail arm in a reel and Ryobi reels have good strong frames but they are a little heavy.
Here's my new toy!
Gear Ratio: 5.0:1
Weight 305g
5 Ball Bearings
Line Capacity (PE/No.): PE4-140M, PE5-120M
Drag: 5kg
Full aluminum metal body.
Full metal spool with carbon fiber.
Machined round knob power handle.
Power handle & power knob
Drag is a little low but it can always be upgraded... handle and knob don't really fit the body but i only got it for $95 so what can i complain for? Only dilemma now is what colour to load...
Made in China is ok if the brand oversees QC.
Have noticed similarities between Ryobi and Penn. Parts are even interchangeable between some models.
And yes Ryobi is good. I used to own a Ryobi Applause made in japan before... strong and most importantly strong bail arm