Here is some
seasickness information and what you can do about it. Seasickness can spoil the fun out of an offshore trip so always be prepared!
Old Wive's Cures1)Drink some saltwater
2)Get into the water
4)Drink Hot Tea
5)Drink a carbonated soft drink
6)Burping and farting
7)Wearing ear plugs
8)Tie a rubber band on your wrist
9Medicated Ointment
10)Eating Dried Foods like Sour Plum
Modern Cures1)Ginger Capsules and Crystallized Giner
2)Seasick Pills(e.g.
Novomin, Antimo )
Motion Sickness Wristbands4)Kimite Patch
5)Have a Banana!(Scientifically proven
6)Keeping one finger over one ear (blocking one ear). This stops the balancing liquid near your ears from moving around, therefore stopping the brain from detecting any motion sickness
Good Practices1)Have Plenty of Water before the trip and on the trip
2)Rest Well the night before
3)Avoid Spicy/Curry/Oily food
4)Look far towards the horizon and do not concentrate too long on a single object near you.
5)Sleep with your head facing either the Stern or Bow. Depending on which side is of a higher elevation. Do not sleep sideways and always keep your head on the higher elevation. As long as your blood is flowing downwards towards your legs, you will not have any complications after you wake up; headaches, seasick, etc.
6)Moving to middle of the boat
Where i can find motion sickness patch in Singapore?.