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Bishan Prawning (Prawn Fishing) at Bishan Haibin (Closed)

Amidst work and exams, one has to find a little play time to relieve those stressful thoughts that lurk at the corner of our minds.

My mum had some ideas about bringing my grandfather on prawning trip on a Thursday afternoon to Bottle Tree Park at Khatib but I protested vehemently since I had a bad prawning trip at Bottle Tree Park once. The pond water level was shallow there and the prawning hook up rates weren't amazing. My mum was a complete newbie at prawning so in the end I suggested Bishan Haibin since I had decent prawning experiences there. Haibin at Bishan was also one of the more established prawning ponds in Singapore and had decent surroundings with a beer garden and fish spa. I made some time to accompany my mum and grandfather so that they can have some guidance and prawning tips.

When we got to the place, I realised that the prawning rates had went up to $33 per 3 hours and also, there weren't any longer prawning rods to be had. Well, if you are a regular at Bishan prawning, I'm sure that you will know many prawns actually play around the middle of the pond near the ventilation area. We chose the top section of the prawning area - ponds A and B.

Prawning at pond B

Grandfather did surprisingly well and managed to haul up some prawns without even striking them! I noticed this strange behaviour of the prawns today (or nowadays?). The small prawns don't seem to "run with the bait" already and they are much easier to hook up too! Also, there were lots of small fishes nibbling at the chicken heart bait. We also purchased some earthworms to use as baits.


There were no yabbies caught this time but we had lots of fun when the prawns were biting but as the bite slowed down, it got boring I guess but not before I guided mum to catching some prawns of her own! In all, we managed around 30plus pcs of prawns between 2 rods for 3 hours. It wasn't a great catch but neither was it a bad catch considering grandfather was playing a fool most of the time!

It was BBQ freshwater prawns or big head prawns with salt on a stick! I noticed some teens having trouble with removing the hook from the prawn. Perhaps I should include that in my prawning tips. Hahaha. Anyway, it is easy to prepare the prawns for the BBQ. Just poke the satay stick through them, give them a brief wash and coat them with salt before roasting them! And we had juicy prawns to eat... with ah gong posing for some photos! It was a good day to see happy faces in the family with some prawns to eat too...

Ah gong with the prawns!

Preparing the prawns...


Some happy faces...

Sometimes people question the economic sense in prawning but this I feel should always come second. It is the quality time and laughter that makes prawning a truly remarkable experience. For the guys who are after girls, it is also a chance to show your mascular side and rescue your girlfriend from the giant prawn. Hahahaha... Pretty much the same concept as the $5 Patin pole fishing although I do not encourage that form of fishing!

Have a good weekend all!

Here's the address if you're interested... Bishan Haibin Prawning is open 24 hours a day and parking is free.

Hai Bin U Enterprise
603 Sin Ming Ave
Singapore 575735


Unknown said…
hao bin , im paying $200 for me n my wife to prawn at ur place n this is wat I get . Not paying people get to sit there n not giving out their sit very gd this will be my last time coming thanks!

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