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Huge Peacock Bass and Zebra Tilapia!

It's been weeks since i last casted a lure into a body of water. Busy times are showing themselves and those days left free are being used to rest the aging body. It was a breath of fresh air and hope that made the fools arrange for fishing on a Friday morning. Alas... they both couldn't wake up but still, somehow, someway...after lunch, they managed to drag themselves out of bed and lug their fishing stuff to a good ol water hole that we knew wouldn't disappoint us.

I was first to reach and begin the usual laborious fishing of casting a lure into the water and retrieving it continously like what most passerbys would call an idiot. I clipped on a topwater pencil and worked it as close to the leaf cover as possible. A flash of orange and a Peacock came out to tap the lure... It missed horribly and went back to its hiding place. This one was protecting its lair... and not wanting some food. The next few casts proved to be bad misses too and i gave up after awhile.

The fly man came and this time he had more evil creations... namely rabbit fur flies and buck hair flies. I took an instant liking to the rabbit fur. It made a tentacle jellyfish hanging action during the pause. The lime green fly was a killer and it made the school of baby... Temensis?.. excited. There were at least a 50 of them swimming close by and they attacked my flies with no second thoughts. We landed quite a few until we miserably got our poor flies onto the tree tops. 

Baby Temensis?

Somehow, i even managed to foul hook a tortoise on fly...

Taufik got his usual fun out of the resident Peacock Bass that were around. They gave him a good goooood time.... I was doing badly... only getting a few of those temensis fry.

Momok scoring well

We bashed out and gave the ledge a go. The spot was a favourite among us now and it NEVER disappointed. That lucky ass Taufik landed PB after PB there while i ... was still doing badly UNTIL... Something came to visit. A strong pull and a strong head turn... met with the brute force of the Shimano Bassterra. The fish was lifted out of the water like a prawn. The result? Introducing Mr Big Fat Ball! A good sized greedy Orh Peh...which made momok... kinda wishing he was the one that caught it... Hehehe...

Zebra Tilapia and me

Momok remained at the ledge while i... curious as usual, spotted a big boof far away into the forested area. Something BIG was making the school of toman fries jittery. I got over there and casted out with a suspending Bomber Long A lure. It was a nice little thing... 3 hooks to kill a fish and the colour of the lure resembling a toman fry.

A few casts and we were in! Something smacked into the lure and took it all the way to the right. It was quite a good first run... After fishing for quite some time and having my fair share of fish throwing hooks, it's now second nature to STRIKE and STRIKE AND STRIKE! The 3 hooks went in deep and the fish swam back... still not showing its true colours. It tried to swim away but there was no way i was going to let it run... You can say that the fish took the lure well and the first run was well worth it's money but this fish has no stamina. A sad fact... but I'm not complaining...

A first in my many torrid months of freshwater fishing... Momok guessed 2.5lbs... I guess 2.7lbs... What's your guess?

Finally... something nice... something ooooommppphh... something that made me thought i was fishing in the Amazon.

The ang cho of freshwater

All fishes were released to fight another day...


Paddy Pike said…
There are some beutyfull fish on this page, And the peacock bass is the one the seems to jumpm out at me, Fantastic fish,
Nigel said…
Thanks Paddy. After weeks of not fishing, my luck is back!

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