Fishing for Hirasuzki (Blackfin Seabass) with the best fishing guide in Korea

Quite a bit of Emails regarding this blog post. Put some of my replies here in case more folks read this.
Q: The mentioned fishing charters are fully booked. Do you have any more recommendations?
A: I don't have any more recommendations because I only put down charters which I have fished before or fished regularly at. Try to book early in advance.
Q: There are many charter companies out there when I Google, is it a must to take a trip with them?
A: No, it is not. These charter companies usually charge a higher fee but they make up for it in things like service and they may include fishing guides (note that they usually don't pay their share). You can go straight to the charter captains to arrange a trip directly.
Q: Are there any seasons to book the fishing charters? Any monsoon?
A: Charters are all year round in Singapore because our monsoon is mild and there are plenty of inshore options. There used to be predictable seasons for certain fishes but these days due to climate change, it's not that simple anymore.
Q: Do fishing charters provide equipment?
A: Call and ask. Some do at a fee but most do not. The fishing charter scene in Singapore is not that professional yet.
Q: What does the fishing charter provide?
A: Call and ask. Minimally, they usually provide ice and bait. Some provide drinking water and some provide food. Same for toilet.
Q: Which fishing charter guarantee fishes?
A: Truthfully speaking, none can! It is fishing... However, going with the best charters usually makes it easier to get good fishes.
Q: Is jigging and luring available in Singapore fishing charter?
A: Absolutely. Most charters now recognise these methods and will be more than happy to let you have a go.
Q: What are the fishing charter timing? Is there an evening charter?
A: Evening charters are common overseas where they take you out fishing in 6 hour blocks e.g. Morning, Afternoon, Evening. But in Singapore, it's usually restricted to day fishing 8am to 5pm and night fishing 8pm to 6am. Some charters may do short trips... you can check with them.
Q: What bait do I use?
A: Most fishing charters in Singapore will use live prawns. I definitely recommend sticking with that and not bringing your own bait.