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Fishing in the Maldives with Seagal Sportfisher Maldives

Are you looking to bring your wife or girlfriend on a fishing trip? Then the Maldives would be an excellent choice as it provides a comfort and is also suitable for beginners.

I was quite worried that Bakgal would be daunted by fishing in Maldives. After all, it is our honeymoon and fishing there can be quite "hardcore". We will also only be fishing with artificial jigs and poppers which require proper technique. I got worried for nothing though as Bakgal managed to secure so many kinds of fishing during the trip even though it was her first jigging trip! We booked Seagal Sportfishing Maldives Fishing Charter for a few days so we could have a relaxing Husband and Wife only fishing trip.

Credit to the Captain (none other then Captain Ibrahim Ibee, previously Captain of Noranee 2) because he brought us to easy spots where the fishes weren't too big (very important), were very tasty and just had the right amount of fight in it that was suitable for a honeymoon fishing trip. Nope, we didn't do an "extreme north or south" kind of Maldives fishing trip where anglers would chase Yellowfin Tuna and GT all day long... but I kind of enjoyed the kind of fishing that we did. Of course, there were a few big ones (suspected to be Dogtooths and big Amberjacks mostly) lost to their rocks or frayed by their teeth but there were a few good fish up as well including a rare Maldives cobia.

Compilation links of fishing videos
Attaching some selected photos...

Her first GT on topwater?
One of the many gaos she caught!

Good sized golden trevally on baktao lollipop jig

Good sized gao...

My only GT on topwater. We only did 10 minutes!

Big jobfish!

Cobia couple photo

She caught just dinner!

Double hook up

For some reason, she is very good at catching red fishes...

Bludger trevally?
Don't worry, this was released at boatside

Couldn't bring it into the boat so we had a picture boatside!

Kept some fishes for our BBQ night...
View the photo album below for the complete catches. Of course, there were many fishes released without photos!

Facebook photo album


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