
Showing posts from April, 2017

Red tenya, red madai and red mouse madai topped up at bakgalfishing shop!

Mouse madai 150g Red madai 200g Red tenya assorted weights Good news everyone! We've loaded 60g, 80g, 100g and 120g red optimus prime tenya for fishing, red madai 200g and red mouse madai 150g to These products are proven to catch fish in Singapore and very useful for offshore fishing. Catches: Scores a good gao Good gao tun fell for it! Snappers love them too Rare ang kuey! Best ways to get parrots  

Sibu Island is now a light and micro jigging fishing paradise

Gone are the days when we looked to Sibu Kelong as a quick getaway from Singapore. It used to be a kelong fishing paradise but suddenly it was gone as authorities closed it down. Fret not though, one style of fishing may be gone from Sibu (from Tanjung Lehman Jetty) but another has taken its place. Preparing to set off Good old Tanjung Lehman jetty. Memories! Enter the likes of Ah Bee, Micro Jig, James Chai (Ah Niu) and so on. These people have really set the tone for fishing at Sibu ever since the kelongs were closed. They have already been there for some time so they're rather experience with the fishing spots there. A typical day of fishing would involve light & micro jigging, lure casting, and even some bottom bashing via live prawns. Tenya is also rather popular. Our group of kakis caught on to the Sibu fishing scene quite late on as we were busy with Merchong. Soon though, we booked a trip and called Ah Yip ( Engler's Charter ) to send us there. The trip ...